Planet Earth II

David Attenborough returns with a new wildlife documentary that shows life in a variety of habitats.



Movie time

298 min

Directed by



David Attenborough, Gordon Buchanan, Max Hug Williams



01E01 - Islands

Islands are often isolated, creating unique, somewhat specialized fauna, as notably terrestrial species ar stuck and adapt separately. Special conditions can include the absence or inescapability of predators, scarcity of partners and harsh conditions such as weather or volcanic activity, which also creates new islands, as in the Galapagos. Even tiny islands also may have unique populations, even large ones like Madagascar entire types. Some species thrive surprisingly, like Komodo monitors on their Indonesian Island or even penguins on Antarctic ones.

Date: 18 Feb 2017
IMDB id: tt6142646
IMDB rating: 9.4
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