
The Byrdes and their teenage kids, Charlotte and Jonah, are, for all intents and purposes, an ordinary family with ordinary lives. Except for the job of Marty, a Chicago financial advisor who also serves as the top money launderer for the second largest drug cartel in Mexico. When things go awry, Marty must uproot his family from the skyscrapers of Chicago and relocate to the lazy lake region of the Missouri Ozarks.



Movie time

60 min

Directed by



Jason Bateman, Laura Linney, Sofia Hublitz



01E01 - Sugarwood

When his partner cheats a Mexican drug cartel, Chicago financial planner Marty Byrde is forced to flee to the Ozarks, after promising the cartel he can successfully launder money better there because of the many cash businesses out of the eye of federal agencies.

Date: 21 Jul 2017
IMDB id: tt5770168
IMDB rating: 8.5
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