Orphan Black

SPOILER: Orphan Black follows outsider, orphan and street-wise chameleon Sarah. After witnessing a woman's suicide, Sarah assumes the stranger's identity - who happens to look just like her. Expecting to solve all her problems by cleaning out the dead woman's savings, Sarah is instead thrust headlong into a kaleidoscopic mystery as she realizes the dizzying truth - she and the dead woman are clones. As Sarah searches for answers, she discovers the chilling fact that there are more people like her out there - genetically identical individuals who were planted in unsuspecting birth parents and nurtured in completely different circumstances. With no idea who created the clones, she'll need to discover the reason in a hurry as an assassin is killing them one by one.



Movie time

44 min

Directed by



Tatiana Maslany, Dylan Bruce, Jordan Gavaris



03E07 - Community of Dreadful Fear and Hate

Sarah and Helena have managed to escape from the Castor compound, and arranging with Mrs. S are awaiting Benjamin's arrival in the Mexican desert to retrieve them. However, they are surprised to see that their retriever is Mrs. S herself. This meeting allows for a showdown between Helena and Mrs. S, the former who wants to kill the latter for selling her out. With Cosima's new relationship with Shay being strong, Cosima is having problems dealing with Delphine, whether it be on a professional or personal level. Cosima feels like betraying a request by Delphine without telling her. On the drug dealing front, Alison and Donnie are having problems with Alison's mother, Connie, in the agreement to buy her store, which they need as a money laundering front. While Donnie and Jason meet with their supplier, Pouchy, for the first time together, Alison attends an all candidates meeting at the school. All of Alison's problems come to a head at the same time in a potentially very public setting. And Scott decides on his own terms to deal with Rachel concerning what she knows about Duncan's code.

Date: 30 May 2015
IMDB id: tt4277168
IMDB rating: 8.5
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