Bates Motel

"Bates Motel" is a contemporary prequel to the genre-defining film "Psycho," and gives a portrayal of how Norman Bates' (Freddie Highmore) psyche unravels through his teenage years. Fans discover the dark, twisted backstory of Norman Bates and how deeply intricate his relationship with his mother, Norma (Vera Farmiga), truly is.



Movie time

45 min

Directed by



Vera Farmiga, Freddie Highmore, Max Thieriot



01E08 - A Boy and His Dog

Norman is upset after Emma tells some of the other girls that he and Bradley slept together. He leaves school without permission and in a meeting with the principal and his teacher, it's suggested to Norma that Norman seek professional help. The session with the psychologist doesn't go well. Norman starts spending time with Emma's father who is teaching him taxidermy. He gets his dog stuffed.Norma is worried about the bypass the town is about to build and tries to get Sheriff Romero to help her. He has news for her. Jake Abernathy is back at the motel and Norma decides to follow him to see what he's up to. She finds he's looking for something on Keith Summers' boat. She decides the best thing for him would be to leave the motel but he is obviously not happy about it. Dylan and Remo head off on a road trip to California to pick up the trimmers who will process the latest crop of marijuana.

Date: 06 May 2013
IMDB id: tt2539226
IMDB rating: N/A
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