CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

This show follows the nights of the detectives working at the Las Vegas Police Department Crime Scene Investigations bureau. Being the second busiest crime lab in America, CSI officers use the best scientific and technical methods to solve puzzles and catch criminals.



Movie time

60 min

Directed by



Laurence Fishburne, Marg Helgenberger, George Eads



07E19 - Big Shots

The for driver Champ Landley fatal shooting at and as Nick soon finds from dodgy, drug-trade-involved former boxer Drops' drive-by limo and the dragging death of a young black woman, initially confused with her older best friend because of a deliberately 'borrowed' drivers license, turn out to be related. When Greg Sanders discovers that Aaron James, the brother of the black youngster he ran over after his own mugging may have been involved, CSI chief Conrad Ecklie orders Greg completely excluded from the investigation, fearing another lawsuit.

Date: 05 Apr 2007
IMDB id: tt0966714
IMDB rating: 7.5
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