How I Met Your Mother

Ted Mosby sits down with his kids, to tell them the story of how he met their mother. The story is told through memories of his friends Marshall, Lily, Robin, and Barney Stinson. All legendary 9 seasons lead up to the moment of Ted's final encounter with "the one."



Movie time

22 min

Directed by



Josh Radnor, Jason Segel, Cobie Smulders



02E01 - Where Were We?

At the beginning of the summer of 2006, Ted and Marshall embark on two extreme journeys. Ted and Robin are at the beginning of their romantic relationship and Ted cannot be happier. Marshall, on the hand, cannot get over his break-up with Lily despite he giving her the ultimatum of him or the summer long art fellowship in San Francisco. He wants to call and talk to her, but Ted tries to convince him that that is not the right thing to do. Ted and Barney try unsuccessfully to get Marshall out of his deep depression, but it's Robin who provides at least a short reprieve from that depression. However, Barney gives Marshall the idea that he can follow Lily's whereabouts by tracking her credit card use, Barney not actually realizing that Marshall has her on-line account password. When there is evidence from her recent hotel room purchase that Lily is back in New York, Marshall, still hurt that she didn't at least try to contact him first, has to decide if he will try and make contact with her at the hotel.

Date: 18 Sep 2006
IMDB id: tt0863640
IMDB rating: 8.1
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