
After the unsolved murder of his wife, Trudy, Adrian Monk develops obsessive-compulsive disorder, which includes his terror of germs and contamination. His condition costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective in the San Francisco Police Department, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.



Movie time

44 min

Directed by



Tony Shalhoub, Jason Gray-Stanford, Ted Levine



04E07 - Mr. Monk Goes to a Wedding

Needing a date for her brother's rehearsal dinner, Natalie resorts to asking Lt. Disher. Soon after their arrival at the hotel, Disher is run down and seriously injured by a car belonging to one of Natalie's relatives, saved from death only by the suitcases he had been hauling. The only clues to the driver's identity are the red baseball cap Disher saw as the car came toward him and a bit of greenish mud on the car floor. The wedding photographer, meanwhile, has disappeared, and Captain Stottlemeyer goes undercover as his replacement, ordering Monk to come with him. Concerned that someone in her family may have attempted murder, Natalie convinces him to be her new date. When a man's body is discovered in one of the hotel's mud baths, Monk identifies the man as the photographer based on his stained fingers, and Stottlemeyer joins forces with the local police chief to obtain a search warrant and search the victim's home for clues. Meanwhile, Monk catches the bride-to-be in a lie about her parents' death in a plane crash in 1995.

Date: 19 Aug 2005
IMDB id: tt0650607
IMDB rating: 8.2
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