
In this sitcom, the suddenly risen film star Vince Chase, a 'jeune premiere' of humble origins, learns the ropes of the business and the high-profile world of the wealthy happy few in and around Hollywood, but not alone: he brings from his native New York his atypical 'entourage (hence the title), not glitterati or professionals but a close circle of friends since childhood, and his professional agent finds they often make his job harder as the Queens boys not only sponge on the star but also have his ear, so Vince is much harder to counsel. Vince chooses his friend from home Eric as his manager, and LA professional Ari Gold as his agent. Over the course of the Series, they progress from kids from Queens, to actors, to producers and chase the funding and support to try to make the perfect movie for Vincent.



Movie time

28 min

Directed by



Kevin Connolly, Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon



02E11 - Blue Balls Lagoon

Turtle understandably doubts Johny Drama's hope Brooke Shields might dig him at their set while he plays her brother Little Rick. Now Mandy has dumped Chris, Vince is looking forward to her birthday party- the professionals abhor the press bringing that out, even Warner Bros fears that could make Aquaman appear a home-wrecker. Cameron offers them a private diner at his restaurant The Geisha House. Even after a good meeting with Mandy and the boys at Jerry's Deli, E advises against it, but is ignored. Sloan tells E the painting agent Ari Gold gave Vince, who was prepared to buy it as a gift for Mandy, is another fake; E questions Ari, who doesn't confess but still switches the copy with the real thing he gave his wife as anniversary present. Mandy is tickled-pink with the Nitsch.

Date: 14 Aug 2005
IMDB id: tt0572399
IMDB rating: N/A
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