Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"In every generation there is a chosen one... she alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer." Buffy Summers knows this tale by heart, and no matter how hard she tries to be just a "normal girl", she can not escape from her destiny... Thankfully, she is not alone in her quest to save the world, as she has the help of her friends, the hilarious (and surprisingly quite effective) evil-fighting team called "The Scooby Gang". Together, Buffy & co. will slay their demons, survive one apocalypse after another, attend high school and college... and above all, understand that growing up can truly be Hell sometimes... literally.



Movie time

44 min

Directed by



Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon, Alyson Hannigan



07E20 - Touched

Having been ousted as leader of the Potentials, Buffy seeks refuge in an abandoned house as nearly all of Sunnydale has evacuated the town. Spike and Andrew return from their trip and having learned what happened while they were away, Spike has a physical fist-fight with Faith, and relays the news about a mystical weapon that Caleb is searching for at the Sunnydale vineyard. Meanwhile, Faith leads the potentials to capture a Bringer to interrogate it to learn more about Caleb's plans. The First, in the form of Mayor Wilkins, pays a visit to Faith to further sow seeds of anxiety in her, while Principal Wood tries to install confidence. Elsewhere, Willow and Kennedy consummate their romance as everyone else ponders their survival. Eventually, Faith leads the potentials in an offense against the Bringers armory while Buffy confronts Caleb alone at the vineyard.

Date: 06 May 2003
IMDB id: tt0533514
IMDB rating: 8.6
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