Criminal Minds

Based in Quantico, Virginia, the Behavioral Analysis Unit (B.A.U.) is a subsection of the F.B.I. Called in by local Police departments to assist in solving crimes of a serial and/or extremely violent nature where the perpetrator is unknown (referred to by the Unit as the unknown subject or "unsub" for short), the B.A.U. uses the controversial scientific art of profiling to track and apprehend the unsub. Profiling entails coming up with basic characteristics of the unsub and the victims (referred to as the victimology), using evidence from the case and matching that information to historic precedents and psychological analyses as a means to solve the case. Because of the nature of the work conducted by the B.A.U. - the work being time consuming and psychologically demanding - its members are fiercely loyal to the Unit and to its other members. Also because of the work's overall demanding nature, not many members of the B.A.U. have been able to maintain a happy or stable family life.



Movie time

42 min

Directed by



Matthew Gray Gubler, Kirsten Vangsness, A.J. Cook



03E19 - Tabula Rasa

Four years earlier in Roanoke, Virgina, the BAU were in pursuit of Brian Matloff, alleged to be the Blue Ridge Strangler who killed three women. While Morgan was chasing him, Matloff fell several stories from a building roof. Miraculously, Matloff survived, but fell into a coma, from which he has just awaken. The authorities may have problems now in convicting Matloff since he claims to have amnesia, and their only key witness has since passed away. All remaining evidence is circumstantial. Surprisingly, Matloff agrees to a cognitive memory recognition exercise, since regardless of guilt or innocence he states that he wants to know who he is/was. However, some argue that if Matloff does not regain his memory, he is no longer the person he was and thus no longer a threat to society. So, is this a ruse perpetrated by a cold blooded killer? An unknown woman who was Matloff's sole regular visitor may be able to shed some light on the case. Regardless, the father of one of the Blue Ridge Strangler's victims does whatever he can to ensure justice is served.

Date: 14 May 2008
IMDB id: tt1212035
IMDB rating: 8.3
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