22 Female Kottayam

Tessa K Abraham (Rima Kallingal), is a young 22 year old woman from Kottayam, working as a nurse at Bangalore. She loves her profession very much, which most of her counterparts considers as a thankless job. Tessa's younger sister Tissa studies at Kochi. In Bangalore Tessa shares her room with two other girls. Among the 2 girls, one shares a relationship with a wealthy married man, DK (Sathar). Meantime, Tessa tries her luck in job abroad and gets in touch with Cyril (Fahad Fazil), who runs a recruiting agency. He promises her a job in Canada within a couple of months. Soon Tessa and Cyril become intimate. The film turns engaging when Cyril has a fight with a guy, who's apparently the son of a powerful politician, so he is forced to hide for a couple of days and an unexpected guest comes into Tessa's life.



Movie time

120 min

Directed by

Aashiq Abu


Vijay Babu, Rima Kallingal, Fahadh Faasil



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